Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To Look Forward To: Richard Serra @ Gagosian 24th

Gagosian Gallery presents Richard Serra, again. Worth checking out this titan's new output in NYC. Wish I were there...
Junction, 2011
Weatherproof steel
13' 1/2" x 75' 1/2" x 49' 9 15/16" (4 x 22.9 x 15.2 m)
© Richard Serra. Courtesy Gagosian Gallery. Photo by Lorenz Kienzle

Born in 1938, Richard Serra is one of the most significant artists of his generation. His groundbreaking bodies of work in both sculpture and drawing have been celebrated with major retrospectives at The Museum of Modern Art ("Richard Serra Sculpture Forty Years," 2007 and "Richard Serra/Sculpture," 1986) and the current "Richard Serra Drawings: A Retrospective" at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which will travel this year to SFMOMA and the Menil Collection in Houston. He has produced large-scale, site-specific sculptures for architectural, urban and landscape settings spanning the globe, from Iceland to New Zealand. In addition to his 2008 MONUMENTA installation Promenade at the Grand Palais in Paris, Serra conceived The Matter of Time, an eight-part permanent installation at the Guggenheim Bilbao in 2005.

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